full Terms of service.

1.Definition Of Words:
Bond means the amount payable by the Customer to account for any damage to the Goods by the Customer or any third party once the Goods have been passed to the Customer.

Customer means the person or entity named in the Invoice.

Deposit means the non-refundable deposit payable by the Customer of 50% of the total Invoice.

Event Date means the date that the Customer has specified it wishes to have the event on for Lovers Lane Weddings & Events to provide the Goods and/or the Services.

Force Majeure Event means:

1.     Strikes or lockouts;

2.    Fires, storms, floods, pandemics, epidemics, natural disasters or other acts of God; and

3.    Riots, wars or civil commotions.

Goods means any products/items, in particular hire items and inventory, supplied by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events as specified in the Quotation and/or the Invoice.

GST means goods and services tax in accordance with A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth). 

Intellectual Property means all the registered or unregistered copyright, trademarks, patents, designs, business names, images, logos, catalogues, inventory of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events and any other intellectual property rights arising by law.

Invoice means an invoice issued by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events for the supply of Goods or the provision of Services.

Quotation means a written quotation provided by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events to the Customer including full details of the Goods and Services, specifications, pricing, timing and payment.

Services mean all services provided by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events, its agents or contractors and as specified to in the Quotation and/or the Invoice.


Terms and Conditions/terms of service means these Terms and Conditions/terms of service.

Venue means the premises for the Event Date and/or as listed in the Quotation and/or the Invoice.

2. Quotation
2.1.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will provide a Quotation for the supply of the Goods and/or the Services upon request by the Customer.
2.2.  All Quotations are valid for a period of seven (7) days from the date of the Quotation.
2.3.  The Customer must accept the Quotation in writing to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events (ie via an email confirmation).
3.4.  Where the Customer has not signed a binding document with Lovers Lane Weddings & Events, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that by accepting a Quotation Lovers Lane Weddings & Events and paying monies toward their goods/services, the Customer agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

3. Deposit
3.1.  Once the Customer has accepted the Quotation accordance with clauses above, the following will occur:

3.2.  The customer will pay a non-refundable deposit of 50% of their total invoice
3.3.  The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Deposit and any other deposit payable by the Customer is non-refundable. As such, at no time is the Customer entitled to recover the Deposit from Lovers Lane Weddings & Events.
3.4.  The Customer acknowledges and agrees that no Event Date will be confirmed until the specified Deposit has been received by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events.

4. Bond
4.1.  A bond may be applicable dependent on the number of the Goods hired and the event type. Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will notify the customer at time of quotation if a bond is applicable and the amount payable by the Customer.
4.2.  Should any loss of or damage to hired goods occur whilst goods are in hirers care, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events has the right to deduct any amounts it deems necessary from the Bond.
4.3.  Should any loss of, or damage to, any Goods exceed the Bond, the Customer will be directly responsible for any shortfall which is payable to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events
5.5.  Upon return of the Goods by the Customer and the review of the condition of the Goods by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events, we will refund any excess Bond remaining to the Customer within thirty (30) days.

5.   Payment for hire of the Goods
5.1.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will issue the Customer with an Invoice for the hire of the Goods or Services.
5.2.  Payment of an Invoice will be in the following stages:
5.3. Deposit which is payable immediately upon the acceptance of the Quotation; and
The remaining balance of the Invoice, which is payable no later than  thirty (30) days before the Event Date.
5.4.  If the Event Date is thirty (30) days or less from the date of booking, the customer must pay a 100% of the Invoice upon receipt of the Invoice by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events.
5.5.  The payment must be made by the available payment options as specified on Lovers Lane Weddings and Events invoice.
5.6.  The Customer acknowledges and agrees that any amounts paid by the Customer will not be refunded to the Customer in the event these Terms and Conditions is terminated, or the provision of the Services otherwise comes to an end.
9.8.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events is not responsible for any delays in receipt of any payments made by the Customer caused by the Customer’s banks or financial institutions or otherwise.


6. Pricing
6.1.  All prices are exclusive of GST, unless otherwise advised in writing.
6.2.  The pricing that will be applicable to the Customer will be determined based on the date of the Quotation provided for the Event Date.
6.3.  If any Event Date falls on a public holiday, including Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, additional costs will be payable by the Customer due to this. This includes any Event Date that falls on a long weekend where the Event Date itself is not on a public holiday. Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will notify the Customer of these additional costs.

7.    Delivery
7.1.  The date of delivery of any Goods will be a date as agreed between the Customer and Lovers Lane Weddings & Events, or at the sole discretion of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events.
7.2.  We charge a rate of $2 per km per trip for delivery & pick up. Cost is calculated from Hamilton North (2292) or Harrington (2427), depending on where your event is being held. Cost will be confirmed at time of quotation/booking.

8. Collection/Pick Up of the Goods
8.1.  If customer chooses to not have delivery of Goods, The Goods are to be collected on a Thursday and returned to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events’ Warehouse on a Tuesday of each week.
8.2.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events reserves the right to refuse collection/pick up if the transportation of the Goods is not adequate, meaning transportation must allow for the goods to be within vehicle, or if on a ute it must have adequate coverings and be tied down. The Customer will have no right to claim any fees, loss or damage associated with having to re-organise transportation and indemnifies Lovers Lane Weddings & Events from any fees, loss or damage associated with this.

9. Changes to Hired Goods or Services After Confirmed Quotation
9.1.  After the Customer accepts a Quotation, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will not be required to accept any reduction in invoice total (ie reduction/removal of goods or services) compared with the original quotation. The customer can increase invoice total / add additional goods or services however.
9.2.  No requests for changes to the supply of the Goods and/or the Services will be valid unless:
9.3.it is made in writing to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events; and it is made before final invoice has been paid (ie thirty days prior to event date)

9.4.  Any changes will be subject to the availability of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events & the Goods requested
9.5. Where Lovers Lane Weddings & Events provides and delivers, at the Customers request, additional labour and/or expertise on the Event Date, which was not previously arranged, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events reserves the right to charge the Customer for such additional labour and/or expertise and such amounts will be deducted from the Bond.

10. Event Date Changes
10.1.  The Customer is entitled to one (1) Event Date change, where the Invoice remains the same and the new event date is available.
10.2.  If the Customer requests a second (2nd) Event Date change, such change will incur an administrative fee of $250.00.
10.3.  Any subsequent Event Date change thereafter will incur a further administrative fee of $500.00.
10.4.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events requires a minimum of thirty (30) days’ notice of any Event Date change requests.
10.5.  Any Event Date change requests must be requested in writing to hello@LoversLaneWeddingsAndEvents.com.au

11. The Goods
11.1. The Customer acknowledges and agrees to the following:
11.2.1.To ensure that the Goods are maintained in good repair, condition and working order.
11.2.2.To ensure the Goods are kept in a clean, safe and secure environment, including but not limited to, being locked away and not accessible to the general public.
11.2.3 .If the Goods are not in good repair, condition and working order, or contain damages or defects, the Customer must notify Lovers Lane Weddings & Events within 6 hours of receiving the Goods or collecting the Goods.
11.2.4.That in the Goods will be returned to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events undamaged, clean and in the condition the Goods were received by the Customer in.
11.3. In the event of loss or damage of any kind whatsoever to the Goods, the Customer is required to either Have the Goods repaired to a good condition and working order; or
Replace the Goods with the same or similar goods, or Pay to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events the replacement cost of the Goods, as per Lovers Lane Weddings and Events discretion.

12. Cleaning
12.1.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events may include a fee for cleaning on the Invoice, where the Goods include glassware, candleware or linen.

13. Wet Weather
13.1.  In the event of wet weather, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will re-locate all the Goods hired for the Event Date to an alternate destination. There will be no compensation offered to the Customer for change of Venue or if Lovers Lane Weddings & Events cannot fulfil the Goods requested due to wet weather.
13.2.  If the Customer does not have an alternative Venue for a wet weather option and it is raining on the Event Date, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events reserves the right to refuse to supply the Goods, due to the damage this will cause to the Goods.

14. Liability
14.1.  To the extent permitted by law, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events is not liable for any injury, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever (including personal injury and damage to property) that the Customer or other person suffers in connection with the supply of the Goods or the provision of the Services.
14.2.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events is not liable for any injury, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever (including personal injury and damage to property) which is consequential, special, indirect or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the supply of Goods or the provision of Services, even if due to negligence of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events, its employees, contractors and/or suppliers.

15. Cancellation by the Customer
15.1.  Any cancellation of the Goods and/or the Services made by the Customer, for whatever reason, will result in a forfeiture of the Deposit.
15.2.  Should the Customer choose to cancel the Goods and/or the Services more than thirty (30) days from the Event Date, the Customer will be entitled to a refund, less the Deposit.
15.3.  Should the Customer choose to cancel the Goods and/or the Services less than thirty (30) days from the Event Date, the Customer is not entitled to a refund and any amounts owing to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will be payable in full. This does not include any amounts for the Bond and delivery amounts.

16. Cancellation by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events
16.1.  If Lovers Lane Weddings & Events is unable to provide the Services and/or the Goods in accordance with the Quotation and/or the Invoice for any reason (including but not limited to, illness, accident, damage to Goods) Lovers Lane Weddings & Events reserves the right to cancel the Quotation and/or the Invoice.
16.2.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will refund any amounts paid by the Customer, if Lovers Lane Weddings & Events has had to cancel the Invoice.
16.3.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will contact the Customer to notify them of a cancellation as soon as practicable.

17. Photography
17.1.  The Customer gives permission and shall allow Lovers Lane Weddings & Events to use any photographs of the Services, the Goods and/or the Event Date for viewing on its website and related social media outlets, for promotional purposes only.
17.2.  Where applicable, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events will request permission from the Customer’s photographer for use of the professional photographs.

18. Force Majeure Event
18.1.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events is not liable for any loss or damage the Customer may suffer caused by any failure by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events to perform its obligations resulting from, or caused by, any fact or circumstance outside of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events’s reasonable control, including but not limited to any Force Majeure Event.
18.2.  If any Force Majeure Event applies and in Lovers Lane Weddings & Events’s reasonable opinion, it is not able to supply the Goods and/or the Services at all, or within a reasonable time, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events may, by written notice, and without liability whatsoever, terminate these Terms and Conditions.

19. Intellectual Property
19.1. The Customer acknowledges that the Intellectual Property is the property of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events
19.2.  The Customer must not reproduce, repurpose, or use any of the Intellectual Property without the express written consent of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events.
19.3.  This clause shall have force after the termination or expiry of these Terms and Conditions

20. Termination
20.1.  These Terms and Conditions may be terminated by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events by giving the Customer seven (7) days written notice.
20.2.  Alternatively, Lovers Lane Weddings & Events may terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time for convenience and with notice to the Customer.

21.1.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and takes steps to ensure that all personal information obtained in connection with the Customer will be appropriately collected, stored, used, disclosed and transferred in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. Such information may be accessed by request to Lovers Lane Weddings & Events in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
21.2.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events requires that the Customer comply with the National Privacy Principles in connection with any personal information supplied to it by Lovers Lane Weddings & Events in connection with these Terms and Conditions.

22. General
22.1.  These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Customer and Lovers Lane Weddings & Events and supersedes any prior version of these Terms and Conditions.
22.2.  Lovers Lane Weddings & Events’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment to any extent of Lovers Lane Weddings & Events’s right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any other instance, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect.
22.3.  In these Terms and Conditions references to the parties is to be read as references to or including, as appropriate, their respective successors, transferees and assigns as well as employees, partners, agents and related bodies corporate.
22.4.  If a provision, or part of a provision, of these Terms and Conditions are void or voidable, that provision is servable and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions has full fare and effect.